Saturday, June 7, 2014


I'm looking out into the yard, and the candle is flickering in the lantern next to Dan's tree.  Four months have passed since I last saw Dan.  In some ways, those months have crawled.  In others, they have flown. When it's been too hard to come to grips with this, I have looked for ways to remember him in a positive way.

I honored his memory today by eating one of his favortite foods: Primo Hoagies.  I wanted to buy some hot pepper shooters, but they were completely sold out when I got there.  I served these for Dan the first time that he came to the house.  He was the best dinner guest to have over, because he always tried everything and gave honest feedback on whatever was served. I miss seeing him at my table, but I know that as time goes on we will continue to tell stories of Dan, so that he will still be with us in a different way.

1 comment:

  1. I still miss cooking for Dan. All the planning and chopping seemed so worthwhile as I watched him devour something he truly enjoyed.Dan was always willing to try something new but there were always required dishes for certain holidays.It has been very hard to do but there was soda bread and Irish potatoes for St. Patrick's Day and I even managed to make some potato salad for Shane's graduation although things may have been slightly salty due to added tears. I will continue to make these favorites and pursue new recipes because I can picture Dan enjoying them. he was my stomach with feet
