Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Signs of Dan in South Carolina

Our first guest post was submitted by my cousin, Lex, from her sister's graduation from basic training.  Noel left for training about a week before Dan passed away, and was unable to travel to Philadelphia for the funeral. 

Today at Noel's graduation we were in the car and she was saying how she was upset she couldn't be there to say her goodbyes. Just then we pulled on to Daniel street. We took it as a sign he was there supporting her and saying he understood.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that Dan popped-in on Noel's graduation. He is very proud of each and every one of you who have served this wonderful country. Dan always wanted to be a soldier and this is yet one more thing cancer stole from him. After the first diagnosis and surgery he returned to ROTC and earned his best PT scores only to be told he could not be in the army due to cancer. Dan's battles were fought on fields they don't teach you about in basic training or anywhere else. He fought with courage and valor and now rests with all heroes. Dan, you have served well and we continue to fight in your honor.

